Hello Amistad family, this is Mr. Pimentel, principal of Amistad High school, the house where eagles SOAR.
I want to extend a warm welcome to all our families new and returning to Amistad. We are lucky that your child’s path to college and career includes our school. Although this message is long, it is full of useful information so please read or listen to the entire message.
First, I’d like to remind you to complete your online registration for your child. Even if you’ve enrolled, you still need to finish this process online since there is information online that we do not have at school. To do this, please download and open the Parentvue app, open it and read your messages on the top right corner. One of them has the title “OLR.” Open that message, click on the link, and you’ll be on your way.
I’d also like to invite you to our Eagle family night on August 14th from 3-6 pm. Come pick up your schedule, take your official photo for your ID, and take a tour of our school while meeting the staff. Students and parents are welcomed to join us for dinner as we will have a taco cart available free of charge. Again, come this Monday August 14th between 3-6 pm. If you don’t have time in the afternoon, the photo and scheduling services will be available starting at 11 am on the 14th. Unfortunately our tours and food will not be ready until 3:30 pm.
We want to inform our new families about the credit opportunities your child has by participating in sports. Unlike other schools, your child can earn graduation credits for participating in sports at Amistad. No talent or skill is necessary, just the right attitude to do their best. See Mr. McKee when you come visit us on parent night.
I’d also like to remind parents of our cell phone policy. We want to make sure you are familiar with it and know the positive effects of minimizing distractions. We also want to encourage you to download the Remind app and subscribe to @amihspar to be able to send urgent messages to your child in case it’s needed. This number will be monitored by administrators and front office personnel for any urgent messages.
Finally, as you start your back to school shopping, we’d like to remind you that our Dress code policy will be in effect starting on day 1. Please familiarize yourself with it before going shopping.
We can’t wait to see you on our first day of school Tuesday August 15th at 8:40 am.
Follow us on our website or on our instagram page @amistad_hs or on facebook.
Our office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily As always, Our Eagles SOAR. Have a wonderful week.